Asking the Divine for Help!
(Source/God/Archangels/Angels/Ascended masters/all other light beings)
Source/God, Archangels, Angels, Ascended Masters, as well as all members of the Divine are infinitely powerful and knowledgeable, and they are ALL at your disposal 24/7. They are ready, willing and able to help you in whatever capacity you require. They want to help you. However, since you are in full free will and choice in every moment, they have to wait until you ask them for help!!!
Ask them for anything and ask them for everything in every moment!!!!
Recently I had a client tell me, that she was told from an early age to refrain from asking the Divine for too much, because she would wear out her welcome.
This is NOT true, once again let me reiterate, the Divine is infinitely powerful and knowledgeableand available to you 24/7. They do NOT understand the concept of too much. They are INFINITE!!!
As a matter of fact, they want you to ask for everything in every moment. Why? For a number of reasons, 1) they want to help you; 2) They want to build trust with you. The more your ask, the more opportunities they have to show you that you are supported and that they do exist, and that they are here to help you with your journey.
How to ask for help:
- Always start your request with:
“Beloved Members of the Divine, I AM asking …. Thank you”
The request must be in present tense.
- ALL requests must be positive.
The request must always be positive!! Never ask for something NOT to happen, simply ask for the result you desire.
- Ask for anything, ask for everything!
No request is too small or too large. They do not judge, so each request has exactly the same level of importance. Your intention sets the tone of the request.
Be creative, Get clever!
- Ask for the solution
As for the solution that you want to receive. Be as detailed as you can regarding the solution or request, without limiting the way they bring it to you.You want to ask for what you want without telling them how to bring it to you.
- Setting Expectations:
You will seldom receive the request in the way you expect. You must allow the Divine to bring your request/solution to you in whatever way is in your highest good.
- Acknowledgment and Gratitude once request has been fulfilled.
It is extremely important that you acknowledge and express gratitude to the Divine once you receive your request.
- Best Practice:
- Make a list each morning of every task and situation that you know for the day. Then request help for each item.
- Make a list once a week of everything you know you want help accomplishing for the week. Then request help for each item.