Today Source had to remind me of an epiphany I had a couple of years ago regarding my “Ego”. That the Ego is an aspect of me that is totally amazing and is to be honored, admired, and respected. The Ego has assimilated all of its knowledge from all of the incarnated lifetimes, all of your joys, sorrows, challenges and traumas from all of your experiences, across all time and space. The Ego then creates belief systems based on all of this knowledge to help protect you from repeating mistakes in order to ensure your survival.
In todays world it seems that everyone is trying to “Get rid off” their ego, or something equally as ridiculous.
But the truth is our Ego is a huge part of who we are, a powerful part of who we are, and instead of trying to “Get rid of it”, Source reminded me that we just have to simply bring our Ego into alignment with our Higher Self ( Soul ) and with our Divine purpose so that every aspect of our being is walking the same walk, talking the same talk and moving in the same direction.
Imagine the Power of your Ego and the Power of you Soul in alignment with your Divine purpose. Just how powerful would you be? Infinitely Powerful!!!!
So today I am using my skills as a healer to heal all that is blocking me from bringing my Ego and my Soul into full alignment with my Divine purpose.