Timeless Reiki Certification Classes
There are many different modalities of Reiki, ranging from the very traditional to many that were adjusted to a “western” audience.
Some training is abbreviated, mostly for those who wish to have a Reiki experience and possibly do some light self-healing.
What is commonly found is based on ritual, symbolism, and a hierarchy handed down through “attunements”. These forms of Reiki
satisfy the needs of many people, but not all. Timeless Reiki is here to support anyone called to do powerful healing work,
not just on themselves but on others. Our students learn more effectively through direct, practical, applications of energy
work in a smaller venue where each practitioner gets personalized attention. We also avoid the overload of information typically
encountered through “intensives” and pace the training over a reasonable amount of time so methods can be thoroughly understood
and integrated. Our goal is to ensure our graduates come away with a very strong foundation with no gaps or uncertainty.
Commitment and Costs
This is a professional-level course. When you sign up you are committing to attend all of the sessions.
There is some additional tutoring available, but makeup classes are simply not possible. With any training course,
you want to examine the costs and weigh them against what is offered. High fees may not necessarily indicate more
valuable content, but simply an instructional group that’s focused more on finances than they are on education.
Our goal is to offer the best value for high quality training, in alignment with other courses in the area.
Typical seminar-style Reiki 1&2 (combined) courses, with classes sizes of 30+, range from $500 to $3000.
These courses are usually very intense and presented over the course of a weekend. This does not provide a great
deal of time to assimilate the material and incorporate it onto your life. Our courses run 5 weeks for each level
of training which provides plenty of time for practice, assimilation and Q&A. Our class size is 4-10. This allows us to cover our costs,
and still make training available to everyone.
Timeless Reiki Level I: Foundation of Self Healing
Class 1 (2 hours)
- Daily Meditation: Energetically connecting your physical body to Mother Earth and Source
- Learn about the Major Chakras 1-7
- Healing the Major Chakras 1-7
- Q&A
Class 2 (2 hours)
- Daily Meditation: Energetically connecting your physical body and Chakras to Mother Earth and Source
- Learn about the layers of the Aura 1-7
- Healing the layers of the Aura 1-7
- Q&A
Class 3 (2 hours)
- Daily Meditation: Energetically connecting your physical body, Chakras, and Aura to Mother Earth and Source
- Meet the Archangels that are a part of your Spirit Guide team
- Learn to shield yourself using the Triple Grid Process
- Q&A
Class 4 (2 hours)
- Daily Meditation: Energetically connecting your physical body, Chakras, and Aura to Mother Earth and Source. Practice Shielding.
- Meet the Ascended Masters that are part of your Spirit Guide team
- Learn about the Sub-Chakras 1-7
- Heal the Sub-Chakras 1-7
- Q&A
Class 5 (2 hours)
- Daily Meditation: Energetically connecting your physical body, Chakras, Sub-chakras, Aura, and Sub-Aura to Mother Earth and Source. Practice Shielding.
- Learning the Lessons of Light
- Learn about the Sub-Auras 1-7
- Heal the Sub-Aura’s 1-7
- Q&A
Receive Timeless Reiki Level 1 Certification
Timeless Reiki Level II: Healing across all time and
Class 1 (2 hours)
- Review Reiki Level 1: Mediation, Shielding, Clearing and Balancing Chakras 1-7, Sub-Chakras 1-7, Aura 1-7, and Sub-Aura 1-7
- Daily Meditation: Energetically connecting your physical body, Chakras, Sub-chakras, Aura, and Sub-Aura to Mother Earth and Source.
- Learn about the Major Chakras 8-14
- Healing the Major Chakras 8-14
- The Purpose and Importance of Healing across all Time and Space
- Q&A
Class 2 (2 hours)
- Daily Meditation: Energetically connecting your physical body, Chakras 1-7, Sub-chakras 1-7, Aura 1-7, and Sub-Aura 1-7 to Mother Earth and Source.
- Learn about the layers of the Aura 8-14
- Healing the layers of the Aura 8-14
- Meet and Greet the Galactic Federation of Light
- Q&A
Class 3 (2 hours)
- Daily Meditation: Energetically connecting your physical body, Chakras 1-14, Sub-chakras 1-7, Aura 1-14, and Sub-Aura 1-7 to Mother Earth and Source
- Enlightening the Ego Process: a process to heal and let go of all negative emotions.
- Learn about the Sub-Chakras 8-14
- Healing the Sub-Chakras 8-14
- Q&A
Class 4 (2 hours)
- Daily Meditation: Energetically connecting your physical body, Chakras 1-14, Sub-chakras 1-14, Aura 1-14, and Sub-Aura 1-7 to Mother Earth and Source
- Learn about the Sub-Aura 8-14
- Healing the Sub-Aura 8-14
- Method and Technique’s for Healing Others, Ethics on Practicing on Others
- Q&A
Class 5 (2 hours)
- Advanced Meditation: Energetically connecting your physical body, Chakras 1-14, Sub-chakras 1-14, Aura 1-14, and Sub-Aura 1-14 to Mother Earth and Source
- Everything is made up of frequencies and vibrations --> Energy
- Healing Vows and Curses
- Recommended Daily routine
- Q&A
Receive Timeless Reiki Level 2 Certification
Timeless Reiki Level III: Advanced Healing
Class 1 (3 hours)
- Advanced Meditation: Connecting to Mother Earth and Source: Chakra 1-14, Sub-Chakras 1-14, Aura 1-14, Sub-Aura 1-14, and Physical body.
- Healing Chakra 15- 21, Aura 15-21, Sub-chakra 15-21, Sub-Aura 15-21
- Learning to Hold Space
- How to start a healing practice
- Q&A
Class 2 (3 hours)
- Advanced Meditation: Connecting to Mother Earth and Source: Chakra 1-21, Sub-Chakras 1-21, Aura 1-21, Sub-Aura 1-21, and Physical body.
- Healing Chakra 22-28, Aura 22-28, Sub-Chakra 22-28, Sub-Aura 22-28
- Healing Past Lives
- Q&A
Class 3 (3 hours)
- Advanced Meditation: Connecting to Mother Earth and Source: Chakra 1-28, Sub-Chakras 1-28, Aura 1-28, Sub-Aura 1-28, and Physical body.
- Healing Chakra 28-33, Aura 28-33, Sub-Chakra 28-33, Sub-Aura 28-33
- Healing Maternal and Paternal Bloodlines
- Invoking all realities, dimensions, universes
- Q&A
Class 4 (3 hours)
- Advanced Meditation: Connecting to Mother Earth and Source: Chakra 1-33, Sub-Chakras 1-33, Aura 1-33, Sub-Aura 1-33, and Physical body.
- Learning to sever, disconnect and remove all forms of non-beneficial connections across all time and space.
- Learning to crossover all ghosts, entities, beings and energies that are attached.
- Healing exchange
- Q&A
Class 5 (3 hours)
- Advanced Meditation: Connecting to Mother Earth and Source: Chakra 1-33, Sub-Chakras 1-33, Aura 1-33, Sub-Aura 1-33, and Physical body.
- Discussing the Dark Matrix
- Learning to heal Dark doorways (vortex, portal, gateways)
- Learning to connect neutral doorways into the Light matrix.
- Healing exchange
- Q&A
Receive Timeless Reiki Level 3: Advanced Spiritual Healter Certification
To sign up for the next workshop, please select the “Meetup” button.